New Hair from Truth!

And here are the new hair do's from >Truth< the fabulous Truth Hawks puts us in AWE yet again!

Up first is Rylan which comes in two versions. Rylan the original has sweeping bangs and the lil bump on top with long tresses to fall over your shoulders (or in them depending on your stand lols) I'm wearing it in the color almond which I happen to think is my personal favorite lol so ALL of them I snapped were in almond! Also this comes with the streaked option which is super killer ranging from colors black to green!

Rylan 2 is the second version of the hair. Having lost the bangs and just having the stylish bump everyone is crazy about right now. It too has the streaked option.

Layla- OMG I love this one..the poofy pigtails even the little bobbi pins are adorable. It has swooping bangs and is very flexy showing that realness in sl we all want to achieve.

And lastly Kalista..I have to admit I am currently wearing this one ALL THE TIME. The streaked version of almond comes with these blonde highlights oooh ooh hot...but I just wore the original one so you could see it in its natural beauty. LOVE IT

More hair coming soon keep your eyes peeled and HEAD OVER TO TRUTH NOW!

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