Ok now I am not going to pussy foot on this one...It is amazing. There are so many different things you can do! It is a bdsm/gor fanatic's dream...you pretty much give yourself over freely to whomever controls this collar because it makes you do everything from; dancing, breakdancing, sitting, nadu, tower, bracelets, nadu boogie [ my fave lols] to even the dirty stuff! Also the workmanship is amazing..its so in depth..so perfect. My favorite part besides the boogie dance is the pendant on the front of the girl's collar! [Yes this does come in a male and female version!] The pendant is a pink shiny rock and its just so girly it makes the wearer feel like a princess! Markz has made dare I say the BEST collar on SL. It also comes with an animation over rider that is..flawless. No rigid movements..its so fluid and smooth. And its seriously as easy as typing any gesture to control. If you are into bdsm or Gor this is a must have. And being only 1k..how can you say no?