+Summer Deadlight+
Y hallo ther!
Well its been a long week for me, and there seems to be TONS of sales going on. Halloween is around the corner and so the costumes are coming out. YaY! I went to the "New Shoots - A Fashion Show Case" last night, and was not only impressed by the young designer outfits but want to give a shoutout to the Metro Models! You girlz rwak my sawks! The after party at Caffeine Au Go-Go was excellent as well! Even heard a French punk song :O how awshum is that.
I have been changing my style around. I used to be, what a friend called me "grunge princess", which is true :P I was very much into the grunge/urban Neko style. I dont feel that the SL digital culture I choose [ Neko ] needs to be defined by a particular dress style, nor anyone else for that matter. Having a choice of self expression, in a way that we cannot so easily do in the real world, is one of the real allurements of being in Second Life; at least to me it is.
There's been some interesting topics going on this week.
First Topic: The 12 Avatar competition
They are now giving out the other eight girlz who will be in the calendar. Congratz Babyhoney Bailey and Yolesa Palen on 1st and 2nd place, and to all the girlz who put their pix up! It was an interesting experience to be honest. By Friday I was "very" tired of networking, and typing. Type, type, type, that's all I did for days to ask my friends to come vote for me. It was a lot of hard work and overall a very good experience. I will never run for politics....ever. I placed 4th in overall votes, and I attribute that to being a Second Life DJ for 18 months. I have worked upwards of 40-55 hours a week sometimes, in various clubs and events, but DJing is a passion for me. In the end, it did pay off in terms of social networking, and word of mouth to vote, and I did meet some very nice girlz who were in the comp as well, and it was a positive (and tiring) time for me.
Second Topic: Armani.
The Armani store has opened, and I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but I read a write up on it and the whole concept of real world marketing in second life, and the lack of sense, to say the least, in what life for shoppers in the virtual world is like. I laughed when I read about the toilets! Toilets in SL is a waste of prims imo, although they might add a certain ambiance? I support second life designers that work hard and build good stores that are easy to get around in. The wonderment of the fashion world in SL is that anyone with good graphic skills, creativity and a desire to create can, whether they are a student, stay at home parent, teacher, etc. Real world brand names are interesting to see how they dont necessarily develop a following in SL, despite their marketing plans.
Third Topic: Anorexia.
This was an odd topic, but it brought out the whole "body image" concept that we, as humans, seem to be programmed through our environment and media to define what we see as Aesthetic, even here in the virtual world. We do bring our ideals with us since our medium is more a mental and emotional world, with a type of graphic physicality. But the stereotypes and prejudices seem to come right along with it as well. It would definitely be an interesting sociology/psychology case study to try to understand how we transform such boxes in a world where we have the freedom to look, act, and express how we want to be, and yet we (collectively) seem to conform to one thing or another. Something to think about, at least it made me think more about it. I wrote earlier in the post, my experience this week with the whole [ Neko ] style vs Neko subculture, and yet, in the end, conform to my own self expression, as it is a digital lifestyle. I suppose the bottom line is that nothing is truly original.
Last Topic: My outfit
Finally I have a little write up I wanted to share. I love this outfit I put together. I am the DJ manager at Botany Bay, and I am holding a weekend DJ hiring faire. I wanted to wear something business like, but nothing stuffy. I fell in love with the Paris shorts, that I saw in the New Shoots show last night. So my outfit developed around that. I combined the form fitting Last Call Marrakesh top and a pair of Tesla shoes. Tesla has some awesome shoes and hats in that shop! I bought several pairs of shoes. After wearing the *HCT* Marla hair all day, and the primOptic Sofia glasses, I realize that I didn't like it! *LOL* I spent the day doing interviews and on-air auditions, and with this outfit on, I felt sexy (despite the hair/glasses) and yet business like.
Sooooo, thats my wrap up and my rambling for tonight. Tomorrow is another day, and I am looking forward to next week - living on the grid-
+Summer Deadlight+
Kitty DJ =^.^=
[ i loik ta blog! =^.^= ]
7:29 PM |
blogging summer fashion topics