::CaZuaL SuNdaYz::


Well well well, my very first blog post! Howz this for poppin' my bloggin cheery? ^^ I decided I'd start out with something that I love. Dressing down! We are like busy bees, always looking for the next new "style," shopping for things we saw reviewed, looking GQ all over, tromping around the grid with our self expression stylin'ista (yay new word to use, Fashionista is out, but hey Stylin'ista is in!) but hey! Yanno wut? My favorite time of day is when I go home with my love, kick off the boots, get into something comfy and just spend some time relaxing.

Today we went to Jewelry Expo 2007! The blogs are full of write ups on the beautiful jewelry that is being displayed! Did you see the auctions?? Wowzerz! Big money, Big money, no whammyz! I didn't "Press My Luck" but I did donate to the American Red Cross kiosk that was in the middle.

We headed next to the House of Zen One-year event. Wonderful designs -asian- so yep yep I had to go check it out! My bags were full by this point. There was a fashion show at 5pm that we attended. Very nice event (laaaag) but hey thats the Grid for ya.

I spent the day wearing something comfortable while spending money and time buying items that I can wear "out and about." How's that for fuxxored! But wanted to show that beyond the glamour and frillz, sometimes you just gotta be real with yourself by the "express with less" stylez!

So I'll leave ya with my little minimized outfit description for today:


Hair: *HCT*-Sehana((big)) - Black
Shirt: /artilleri/ annie *black*
Jumper: G.L.A.M. Denim Jumper (minus white tee) in White
Necklace: Summerkat Designs - *Always Us*
Shoes (not shown): D(ivaStyle)-Stackz Sandals

+Summer Deadlight+

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